Selasa, 02 November 2010

Descriptive Paragraph


1.1     Definition of Descriptive Paragraph
Descriptive paragraph is paragraph which expresses or describes place, thing and person in such vivid detail that the readers can easily visualize the described place, thing and person, or can feel that they involve in the experience.
Some descriptive paragraphs may be technical, for instance, describing about things or place such as car or classroom; on the other hand, it may describe an event or a place and include more figurative language (simile, metaphor etc.) or describe felling or emotion. Therefore, before writing a descriptive paragraph, it is important to consider the purpose and the audience.

Exercise:  can you define what a descriptive paragraph is?

1.2    Generic Structure
      Descriptive paragraph is intended to describe place, person, and thing so that the reader will be able to visualize the descriptions. Writing descriptive paragraph, generally, you have to regard as the following generic structure of descriptive paragraph:  
a.       Identification
Identification is a part in which you identify or write the recognition; moreover, it can be a general statement about place, person, or thing that you want to describe.
b.      Descriptions
Descriptions are vivid detail of place, person, or thing that you want to describe so that the reader can easily imagine or picture the descriptions, or they can feel that they involve in the experience. 
c.      Conclusion
The last part of descriptive paragraph is optional (i.e. it may be included or not). In this part, you conclude the paragraph or restate the identification or general statement.

Exercise:  can you mention the generic structure of descriptive paragraph?

v Descriptive paragraph is paragraph which expresses or describes place, thing and person in such vivid detail that the readers can easily picture or visualize what is being written about, or they can feel that they involve in the experience.
v In writing descriptive paragraph, there are some generic structures that should be followed:
a.       Identification
You identify or write general statement of the place, person, or thing that you want to describe.
b.      Descriptions
You describe the place, person, or thing which is going to be described.
c.      Conclusion
This part may be included or not. It can be restatement or conclusion of the paragraph.


2.1    Characteristics of a Good Descriptive Paragraph
Instead of having characteristics a good paragraph as what has been previously stated in module 1 (i.e. topic sentence, supporting sentences, unity and coherence), writes a good descriptive paragraph should also possess the following characteristics:
§  Using imaginative language, interesting comparisons and images that appeal to the reader’s senses.
§  Using specific and concrete vocabulary to describe details.
§  Involving the reader enough so he/she can actually visualize or picture the things, person or people being described.
§  Using appropriate transitional phrases so that the paragraph will be well organized and structured.
§  Considering the purpose and audience of the paragraph.

Exercise: Can you mention the characteristics of a good descriptive paragraph?

2.2    Writing Descriptive Paragraph
      In this sub discussion you will be given step by step processes of writing descriptive paragraph. The process of writing descriptive paragraph is preceded by writing the identification, descriptions, and conclusion, and it can be further described as follows:
a.       Identification
Identification states or identifies the place, person or thing that you want to describe. Identification can be used as topic sentence of the paragraph.
Example:  Slash is one of my favourite guitar players
b.      Descriptions
After stating identification of the paragraph, now you try to develop it through providing it with some descriptions that can picture place, person, or thing that you are going describe. These descriptions should be well organized in order to make it easier to read and understand.
The following are some descriptions which can be drawn from the topic sentences:
-         His skill is not good enough.
-         His style in playing guitar amazes me.
-         He is tall.
-         He has white skin with a hairy skull and his name tattooed on his right upper arm.
-         He has special characteristic that differentiates him with other guitarists.
-         He has long black curly hair covered by magician hat and tight skin pants.
-         He always uses ‘Les Paul Gibson’ guitar.
-         He also uses some accessories such as rings, silver bangles, skull necklace, and a gold ‘nose ring’ jabbed on the right nostril.
c.      Conclusion
After writing a good identification and its descriptions, now you should also write a good conclusion. A conclusion is not absolutely necessary, but it is very often very helpful to the reader because it usually signals the end of the paragraph and because it reminds him/her of your important points.
A concluding sentence can be a paraphrase (i.e. repetition of the topic sentence in different words) of the topic sentence or summary which is not specifically stated in the topic sentence.
Example:  To summarize, Slash is very stylish rock guitarist in his period.    
      After constructing identification, descriptions, and conclusion, these three elements are further arranged into a descriptive paragraph. In arranging these elements, we, obviously, have to consider the two additional elements (i.e. unity and coherence). The paragraph will be as follows:
Slash is one of my favourite guitar players. Even though his skill is not good enough, his style in playing guitar amazes me. He is tall; moreover, he has white skin with a hairy skull and his name tattooed on his right upper arm. Besides, he has special characteristic that differentiates him with other guitarists. For example, his long black curly hair covered by magician hat and tight skin pants always accompany him when he rocks his fans with ‘Les Paul Gibson’. Instead of these, he also uses some accessories such as rings, silver bangles, skull necklace, and a gold ‘nose ring’ jabbed on the right nostril. To summarize, Slash is very stylish rock guitarist in his period.    

Exercises: Please describe the steps of writing a descriptive paragraph!

2.3    Let’s Practice
a.      Recognizing Identification, Descriptions and Conclusion.
      To improve your understanding about generic structure of a descriptive paragraph, now you try to identify and list identification, descriptions and conclusion of the following paragraph:
My Lovely Room
My room is very enjoyable for studying. My lovely room has 4 m2 in width, and it is painted white. The light is suitable for studying particularly reading and writing; furthermore, the chair makes me comfortable. My room also has a small bookshelf in which all of my books are put. The bookshelf is placed on the right side of the door, so it is reachable when I am sitting on my chair. In spite of these, it also has good ventilation that makes air in my room always fresh. In summary, I love my room because it makes me comfortable, and it motivates me to study.

1        Topic Sentence
2.      Supporting Sentences
3.      Concluding Sentence
b.  Writing Your Own Descriptive Paragraph
      In order to make you more skillful in writing a paragraph, the following practice steps can be followed (Writing under pressure 15 minutes):
1        Choose the following titles:
-         My Classroom
-         My Dictionary
-         My Best Friend
2.      Draw the identification from the title chosen.
3.      Make at least four descriptions for your identification or main idea.
4.      Conclude your paragraph.
5.      Put your identification, descriptions, and conclusion together in the form of paragraph, and try to arrange them in unity and coherence. (You can check the result by using paragraph checklist page 19)

Note: Lecturer asks three or five students to present or to write their paragraph in front of the class while the other students try to identify the three major structural parts of a good paragraph.

v A well-written descriptive paragraph has five elements: identification, descriptions, conclusion, unity and coherence. Instead of these a good descriptive paragraph should use imaginative language, use concrete/specific vocabularies, involve the readers, use appropriate transitional phrases, and consider the purpose and audience.
v After stating the identification, and then you have to provide some descriptions so that the reader will be able to picture the idea, and conclusion is drawn if it is necessary. Finally, to make the paragraph more interesting and understandable to read, these elements are well arranged to make it unity and coherence.

Descriptive Paragraph Checklist

§  Form                        ___     Does your paragraph have a title?
___     Do you write the title correctly?
  ___     Do you use writing style accordingly?
§  Identification          ___     Does your paragraph contain an identification?
§  Descriptions           ___     Do your descriptions develop the identification?
§  Conclusion              ___     Does your paragraph have a conclusion?
§  Unity                        ___     Does your paragraph develop one main idea?
§  Coherence               ___     Is it readable and understandable?
                                       ___     Do you use enough transitional signals?
§   Structure and
Mechanics              ___     Are all your sentences grammatically correct?
                                ___     Do you use correct punctuation?

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